Via della Meccanica,19
Z.I. del Basson 37139 Verona – Italy
In the hydraulic field specifications are very restrictive and obsolete (especially in Italy) but despite this, from a purely mechanical point of view, structural Special Steels could be effectively used for closure systems, supports and in certain valve components.
Special Steels: Hydraulics, Systems and Maintenance
In the systems field they could be used in the large tank sector (TANKS – CISTERNS), at least to contain water or non-corrosive liquids or liquids not for food use; advantages include easier assembly by welding thinner sheets, easier handling of the sectors, greater resistance and improved safety.
Special Steels are also ideal for large industrial impellers where the balance of the blades is fundamental; special steels with thinner calculated thicknesses are easier to manage thanks to the consistency of the characteristics, thicknesses and geometries.
These special steels are also useful in the maintenance of many systems, where a part built a long time ago with obsolete steel can be replaced with a part built with modern steel that is mechanically more suitable and longer lasting.
All this could generate, also for Venturi Acciai, more specialised work, a larger list of customers that is cyclically renewable.
A company like Venturi Acciai, with a wide range of materials and consolidated contacts with the best European steel companies, is constantly on the front line because it has already tested what is written here in a lifetime of work, in over 50 years of business.